Special customized and/or non-commercial material Nuts and Screws. Learn more Nuts and Screws Manufacturing Our strength is in-house manufacturing of customized products. Learn More Manufacturers with no intermediaries
Our steel comes from Italian and European markets. Learn more A European company
In the business since 1982

Whenever you see a successful business,
someone once made a courageous decision

Whenever you see a successful business,
someone once made a courageous decision

about us

Nuts and screws-making company since 1982

In May 1982, Fabrizio Borghi founded Tecnoviti in a small warehouse on Via Mezzera in Seveso.
A few years into this new but thriving business, we decided to take our company to the next level: in 1987 we moved to a proper shed. We kept our business in Seveso, but we and our three employees moved onto Via della Repubblica.

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Our production

We manufacture components made of special steels and nickel alloys in standardized or customized shapes.
Our company relies on cutting-edge machinery, and we have implemented CAD CAM solutions to minimize the margins of production errors.


Our mission

We believe that any company plays a crucial rolein the economicfabric where it operates.
Drawing up a business plan and following it is not enough.
Tecnoviti has always reached its economic goals while respecting its core values: quality and control of the supply chain.

Get in touch with us

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